How To Choose The Right Shelf?

Nowadays, the shelf industry has developed very mature. Shelves are needed in all walks of life, especially some large enterprises have higher requirements for shelves. Whether a warehouse is well managed or not, depends on the design of the warehouse shelves to a large extent, whether it is convenient for the warehouse administrator to use. Then how can we choose the right shelf when we are doing the storage shelf project?

First: Shelf weight

We all know that shelves are used to store goods and products. Then the bearing capacity must be considered. If the bearing capacity fails to meet the requirements, the shelf implementation project must fail. Then, whether we are in the primary communication or in the later stages of drawing design, we must truly understand the load bearing capacity of the warehouse shelves, and we must clearly indicate in the contract to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future. If it is clear that the load is 1 ton, then you cannot put more than 1 ton, because this is not only related to the normal operation of the warehouse, but also directly related to personal safety. If you want such a heavy load on the shelf to exceed the load If a collapse occurs, the consequences will be very serious.

Second: the size of warehouse shelves

After in-depth communication with customers and on-site measurements, we know the size of the warehouse, the height of the space, and the way the goods are placed. With these basic parameter values, we can smoothly carry out the next engineering drawing design.

Third: What is the warehouse shelf used for?

倉庫貨架嘅使用也是需要考慮嘅重要因素之一. 例如, 一些倉庫 shelves 可用于物品嘅長期儲存, 如雙深度貨架, 有的用于臨時放置貨物,經常裝卸.

總之, 以上三個主要因素必須考慮, 並且有好多細節需要直接與我哋溝通,以實現預期目標.

發佈時間: 2019-12-31