The benefits of using the shelves in the warehouse shelves

Manana traikefa ara-barotra be dia be izahay. Manolotra vokatra sy serivisy mahafa-po ho an'ny mpanjifanay manerana izao tontolo izao izahay. Anisan'izany ny vokatray large metal storage cage,metal wire cage,metal mesh cage, talantalana tranom-biby Mifandraisa aminay azafady.

The purpose of the warehouse shelves is mainly to store the goods. Some people will definitely ask, even if the warehouse shelves are not applicable, they can also store the goods. So for some small and medium-sized enterprises, is it necessary to use shelves to store goods? In fact, before we can understand the importance of the warehouse, we can first understand the benefits of using the warehouse shelves.

First of all, we can compare the difference between the warehouse directly storing goods and using the shelves to store goods. For the same warehouse, it may only be able to store the next 100 items, but after using the warehouse shelves, it may be able to save 150 pieces or even more. many. The form of direct storage makes it possible for the goods to be piled up too high to avoid collapse. But the shelves are different, the stability of the shelves is stronger, and the number of layers can be added at a higher warehouse height, which is very convenient. It can be said that after using the warehouse shelves, the utilization of the warehouse can be greatly improved.

As mentioned above, the storage mode that directly stacks the goods is likely to cause damage to the goods, and the shelves are perfectly avoided, reducing unnecessary waste of costs. At the same time, the shelf can make the product storage more orderly, convenient for the storage of goods by the staff, and can also better cooperate with the storage equipment such as the forklift, which effectively improves the work efficiency, saves the human resources for the enterprise, and can use less. People make better jobs.

The impact of the shelves on the warehouse is subtle. It may not be obvious in a short period of time, but as long as the company insists on using it for a while, it will be glad that he chose the shelf.

Raha te hahalala bebe kokoa ianao The benefits of using the shelves in the warehouse shelves metal crate, na hafa mifandray fitahirizana tranom-biby, steel wire cage …. ary vokatra hafa The benefits of using the shelves in the warehouse shelves,afaka mifandray aminay ianao.

Fotoana post: 2019-07-05