What Kind of Shelves Are Suitable For Fruits And Vegetables?

First of all, you must choose according to the shelf display area. If it is a fresh supermarket shelf placed in the middle area, you can choose a double-sided structure shelf for products such as fruits and vegetables. No matter what angle the customer walks through, he can see the products on the fresh shelves, which can form a greater appeal for customers.

If it is placed in the area next to the wall, the fresh supermarket shelves should choose a single-sided structure. The fresh supermarket shelves with a single-sided structure are easy to place against the wall and will not take up too much area. Exhibition space

Followed by the selection of fresh supermarket shelf materials, Supermercado ts'o'onota' shelves Beeta'ano'ob chuunil laat'a'an che' shelves, estantes acero yéetel estantes combinados acero yéetel che'. Tu general, Le selección estantes frescos ti' le supermercados frescos ku inclina asab ti' le estantes acero, debido a le k'a'am Buka'aj u ba'al u kuuch le estantes acero. Chéen ba'ale', Le estantes acero le significativamente insuficientes ti' estética, Yo'olal ma' u recomienda colocar tuláakal le estantes acero.

Con el Fin de mantener le estantes frescos ti' le supermercado yéetel ma'alo'ob wíimbala' yéetel calidad, Je'el we'esik jejeláas yik'áalil yéetel elegir estantes frescos adecuados. Je'ebix., Je'el u páajtal a elegir estantes che' yo'osal Yach máan ki' yéetel verduras, estantes acero utia'al bak', ka acero ti' uláak' yik'áalil enlatados. Che' combinada yéetel shelves, Lela' asab propicio ch'a'iko'ob ki'ichpam wíimbala' koonol.

P'isib k'iinil: 2020-01-21