
  • Precautions for custom warehouse heavy storage shelves

    The above is the Precautions for custom warehouse heavy storage shelves for metal crate. If you want to know more about large metal storage cage, iikheji zokuthumela ngesinyithi, njl., ungaqhagamshelana nathi. At present, the storage shelves on the market have gradually occupied the mainstream in the market, and have become the equipment for storing goods in various enterprise warehouses. As the scale of many companies continues to expand, the importance of storage shelves continues to increase. As more and more companies begin to customize their own heavy-duty warehouse shelves, what to look out for when customizing heavy-duty shelves. Although many companies use storage shelves on a daily basis, it is quite awkward for many warehouse staff when they…
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  • The role of warehousing and logistics equipment in the development of the shelf industry

    Description of this The role of warehousing and logistics equipment in the development of the shelf industry The following is about metal crate related metal cage shelves, I hope to help you better understand metal cage shelves. We all know that storage shelves are also one of the enterprise warehouse storage devices. These storage shelf devices also play a very important role in the entire warehouse. It can be said that without these devices, the operational efficiency of the warehouse will be much lower. In the early warehouses, the storage of goods is stacked. Under such a mode, there is no way to quickly classify products and identify products, which requires a lot of manpower to identify products. Ngoko ke, after…
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  • Sebenzisa iishelufu zokugcina iimpahla ukunciphisa iindleko kwiindawo zokugcina iimpahla

    Sinobutyebi bamava oshishino. Sinikezela ngeemveliso kunye neenkonzo ezanelisayo kubathengi bethu kwihlabathi liphela. Our products include metal cage shelves, iikheji zentsimbi ezipakishwayo,iipaneli zentsimbi yentsimbi, metal cage storage Please contact us. Imisebenzi yesitora yinxalenye ebaluleke kakhulu yalo naliphi na ishishini. Indlela yokusebenzisa indawo yokugcina ishishini ngokuchanekileyo kunokonga ixabiso elininzi lenkampani. Ngesiqhelo, Iinkampani zisebenzisa iindlela ezahlukeneyo zokugcina iindleko zokusebenza kwendawo yokugcina impahla. Kubaluleke kakhulu ukwenza ucwangciso olufanelekileyo xa usebenzisa iishelufu zokugcina iimpahla. Inkampani kufuneka icwangcise njani iishelufu? The biggest purpose of using storage shelves is to reduce the operating costs of the warehouse by increasing the storage capacity of the warehouse.…
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  • Iishelufu zokugcina ekufuneka zisetyenziswe kwiindawo ezincinci zokugcina iimpahla

    The above is the Storage shelves that should be used in small-area warehouses for metal cage storage. If you want to know more about metal cage shelves, iikheji zokugcina isinyithi ezithengiswayo, njl., ungaqhagamshelana nathi. Kwindawo yokugcina amashishini amancinci, ukugcina iimpahla ezininzi ngaphakathi kwendawo encinci ngolo hlobo, cinga ukusebenzisa iishelufa zesimbo somgangatho ophezulu. Inzuzo yeeshelufu zesitayile se-loft kukuba ziyandiswa. Kwindawo enye, umthamo wokugcinwa kweeshelufu zesimbo se-loft unokuba kabini kunezinye iishelufu eziqhelekileyo. Nazi ezinye izibonelelo ezimbalwa zeeshelufu zesitayile se-loft kwaye kutheni kucetyiswa ukuba usebenzise iishelufu zesitayile se-loft. 1. Ukusetyenziswa kweeshelufu zesitayela esiphezulu kunokusebenzisa ngokupheleleyo indawo yendawo yokugcina impahla. The multi-storey structure…
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  • The main features of the storage cage

    The following is about The main features of the storage cage related metal crate I hope to help you better understand The main features of the storage cage. 1. It is made of high-quality steel and cold-rolled and hardened, with high strength and large loading capacity. 2. Uniform specifications, umthamo osisigxina, storage of goods at a glance, easy to inventory inventory. 3. The surface is galvanized, beautiful and anti-oxidation, and has a long service life. 4. It adopts international standards and can be used with containers to effectively improve space utilization. 5. Can be stacked on top of each other to achieve three-dimensional storage. 6. Environmentally friendly treatment, health immunization, turnover, storage and recycling do not pollute the environment. 7. Efficient operation…
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  • Izibonelelo zokusebenzisa iishelufu kwiishelufu zokugcina iimpahla

    Sinobutyebi bamava oshishino. Sinikezela ngeemveliso kunye neenkonzo ezanelisayo kubathengi bethu kwihlabathi liphela. Our products include large metal storage cage,ikheji yocingo lwentsimbi,ikheji yemesh yesinyithi, metal cage shelves Please contact us. Injongo yeeshelufu zokugcina iimpahla ikakhulu kukugcina iimpahla. Abanye abantu ngokuqinisekileyo baya kubuza, nokuba iishelufu ze-warehouse azisebenzi, banokuzigcina iimpahla. Ke kumashishini amancinci naphakathi, Ngaba kuyimfuneko ukusebenzisa iishelufu ukugcina iimpahla? Inyaniso, phambi kokuba siqonde ukubaluleka kwendawo yokugcina impahla, sinokuqala ukuqonda izibonelelo zokusebenzisa iishelufu zokugcina iimpahla. Okokuqala, we can compare the difference between the warehouse directly storing goods and using the shelves…
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  • Several major categories of logistics and transportation cages

    We produce metal shipping cages, umkhombe wekheji yesinyithi, ikheji yentsimbi engqukuva, metal crate We have years of history and experience in manufacturing. Ukwaneliseka koMthengi lusukelo lwethu. 1, the beam shelf The beam-type shelf access is fast and convenient, ensuring that any item is first-in-first-out, no forklift type restriction, faster pick-up speed, and space utilization rate of 30%-50% (determined by the type of forklift). 2, the corridor-style shelves The corridor-style shelf features high-density storage, advanced output, partial pick-up, 20%-30% optional, the speed of picking up is generally, the storage clearance can reach 60% of the entire warehouse. 3, gravity shelves Ideal for high-density, high-efficiency storage of goods, with a free access design, high inventory turnover rate, single pick-up, fast pick-up, good…
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  • Metal storage cage use precautions

    Singabavelisi ababalaseleyo baseTshayina. Iimveliso zethu, such as metal cage, ikhreyithi yentsimbi, iishelfu zentsimbi yekheji, zikumgangatho obalaseleyo kwaye ziyafikeleleka. Ndijonge phambili kumbuzo wakho. More and more large companies are now choosing to use metal storage cages to store classified products when storing products in warehouses. While storage cages play an increasingly important role in warehousing, we need to pay attention to the following when using storage cages to store classified products: 1. In order to improve the handling efficiency, two warehouses can be stacked and transported together during transportation. Nangona kunjalo, when handling in this way, attention must be paid to the load-bearing capacity of the handling machinery and the speed at the time of turning. It…
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  • Yenza ngokufanelekileyo umsebenzi ophezulu we-cage yokugcina ukusuka kulwazi olupheleleyo lokugcina

    We produce office storage containers, izitya zokugcina ezinkulu ezineziciko, izitya zokugcina ezithengiswayo, metal storage locker We have years of history and experience in manufacturing. Ukwaneliseka koMthengi lusukelo lwethu. Iinkampani ezininzi nangakumbi ziqala ukunxibelelana kwaye zisebenzise iimveliso zekheji yokugcina indawo yolawulo. Ke ukuze wenze iimveliso zekheji yokugcina zidlala indima ebaluleke kakhulu kwindawo yokugcina impahla, kufuneka simise njani umgangatho wolawulo lwendawo yokugcina kwaye sisebenzise ngokuchanekileyo iimveliso zekheji yokugcina, indlela yokusebenzisa ngokuchanekileyo iimpahla zokugcina ukunyusa umsebenzi we-cage yokugcina 1. Udibaniso lothutho oludibeneyo luyinzuzo yezoqoqosho kwindawo yokugcina impahla. Ngeli lungiselelo, the integrated warehouse receives materials from a range of manufacturing plants that are assigned…
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  • Details of the purchase of metal cages should be noted

    Sinobutyebi bamava oshishino. Sinikezela ngeemveliso kunye neenkonzo ezanelisayo kubathengi bethu kwihlabathi liphela. Our products include metal storage bins, Ilokha yokugcina isinyithi,iipaneli zentsimbi yentsimbi,steel security cage Please contact us. The details to be aware of when selecting a cage No matter what you do, one of the key points you need to pay special attention to is the quality of the product. Only high quality products can be used with peace of mind at work. Inyaniso, what should we pay attention to when purchasing storage cages and cages? Users should pay attention to the appearance, practicability, craftsmanship, price, njl. of the product when purchasing storage cages, warehouse cages, butterfly cages and metal turnover boxes.…
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Yintoni Umahluko phakathi kweShelufu yoMthi kunye neShelufu yeMetal