How many types of storage shelves are there?

Three-dimensional shelf
The storage method of the warehouse has become the main body of the three-dimensional warehouse since the development of the flat storage to the high-level storage. A wide variety of automated and mechanized warehouses consisting of various forms of shelves that meet different functional requirements have become an important part of the warehousing system and the entire logistics system or production process.

rak baki.
The rak palet nyimpen unitized kargo palet, sarta dilengkepan stackers roadway jeung neundeun jeung transportasi mesin séjén. High-rise shelves use a monolithic structure, which is usually welded by steel profiles (with pallets), connected by horizontal and vertical tie rods and beams. Gap samping 6 mertimbangkeun precision parkir tina kargo dina posisi aslina, akurasi parkir tina stacker nu, akurasi ningkatna tina stacker jeung rak nu, jeung lebar rojongan kargo. It must be larger than the side clearance to prevent the cargo side from being unsupported.

Rak gravitasi
Each bin of gravity-type shelves is an inventory chute with agraded slope. Unit kargo anu dimuat kana parasut ku bango derrick sacara otomatis tiasa ngalih ti tungtung gudang ka tungtung gudang dina tindakan beuratna sorangan dugi ka tungtung kaluar tina parasut atanapi unit kargo anu aya dieureunkeun.. After the first cargo unit at the exit end of the slide is taken out by the delivery crane, each cargo unit behind it moves to a position on the delivery end in turn under the action of gravity. Pikeun ngurangan gesekan antara wadah jeung rak, gilinding atawa gilinding disimpen dina slide stock.

Ngaliwatan rak
The ngaliwatan-rak ampir dua kali badag ti rak palet normal dina spasi sarua, sabab jalur antara barisan rak dileungitkeun, jeung rak nu ngagabung nyieun lapisan sarua jeung kolom sarua barang interpenetrate.

Rak gaya loteng
Ieu rak basajan nu ngajadikeun pamakéan pinuh spasi. Construction of an intermediate loft on an existing shelf or work site to increase storage area. Di lantai loteng – you can put light foam and small or medium-sized goods or goods with long shelf life. You can lift the cargo with a forklift, conveyor belt, hoist, electric hoist or lifting platform. Dina loteng, trolleys lampu atawa traktor palet umumna dipaké.

Rak gantung layar
Rak anu dipasang dina layar diwangun ku layar gantung saratus halaman sareng kotak gantung. Ieu cocog pikeun neundeun rupa-rupa bagian leutik tina rupa-rupa variétas atawa spésifikasi. It can also be set on the trolley or tray. It can be temporarily stored in the process, or used for assembly line feeding. .

Mobile shelf
Mobile shelves are easy to control, safe and reliable. Each row of shelves has a motor drive that is moved by a roller mounted under the shelf along a track laid on the ground. The outstanding advantage is that the space utilization rate is improved. – One shelf is required for the shelf, and one channel of the fixed pallet shelf serves only two rows of shelves on both sides of the channel. So in the same space, mobile shelves
The storage capacity is much higher than the average fixed shelf.

waktos pos: 2019-10-28
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