
  • Basic tools for warehouses: weelasha kaydinta biraha

    We produce metal storage bins, qafis bir ah, kaydinta biraha, metal cage door We have years of history and experience in manufacturing. Ku qanacsanaanta macaamiishu waa raadintayada. The warehouses we often encounter in warehouse management are higher, the goods are smaller, and all of this is manually accessed. When the reserves are large, what should I do? The accessories and semi-finished…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah
  • Sharaxaada qafiska baabuurka gaadiidka birta saadka

    Waxaan nahay soo saarayaasha Shiinaha oo aad u fiican. Alaabtayada, such as roll container trolley, kaydinta dambiisha mesh mesh,baqashada mesh mesh kaydinta, waa tayo aad u wanaagsan oo la awoodi karo. Su'aalahaaga oo sugaya. 1. Marka loo eego qaab dhismeedka kala duwan, qafiska saadka waxa loo qaybin karaa: Gaari qafis go'an iyo gaari qafis isku laabma; marka loo eego agabka kala duwan, it can be divided into plastic…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah
  • Metal storage cage features introduction

    We produce metal cage fencing, steel cage security door, qaybaha kaydinta qafiska birta, steel cage panels, Waxaan leenahay sano oo taariikh iyo waayo-aragnimo wax soo saarka. Ku qanacsanaanta macaamiishu waa raadintayada. Storage cages can also be called mesh cages, which are commonly used in all walks of life; all materials are made of steel, and the whole solid steel is pressed and…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah
  • Doorka qalabka biraha dhaqaaqa sanduuqa qafiska dallacaadda

    Description of this The role of the metal moving tool box cage charging cabinet The following is about metal cages for sale related metal cage shelves, Waxaan rajeynayaa inaan kaa caawiyo inaad si fiican u fahamto [qafis bir ah]. The metal moving tool holder cage is a metal-made roller tool cabinet with a certain container function.the metal tool table cage is a foldable small cart…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah
  • What is the difference between a metal cage and a storage cage?

    Waxaan leenahay khibrad ganacsi oo badan. Waxaan siinaa alaab iyo adeegyo qancin macaamiishayada adduunka oo dhan. Our products include cage metal, armaajo qafis bir ah,baalal qafis bir ah,metal cage door Please contact us. The metal mesh cage has the same function as the storage cage and has a similar appearance. But the two have obvious differences, as shown in the…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah
  • metal Wire storage cage features

    We produce Metal cage, Metal cage plate, Stackable metal cage, Metal cage on wheels We have years of history and experience in manufacturing. Ku qanacsanaanta macaamiishu waa raadintayada. Warehouse cages are commonly used products in the turnover of logistics assembly units. Widely used in three-dimensional warehouses, production workshops, logistics distribution centers and so on. The warehouse cage is used to store the…
    Akhri wax dheeraad ah