
  • Jakie są korzyści z metalu Palety pod względem Praktyczność

    1. Surowy materiał metalowej tacy głównie Q235 stal, więc zdolność ważenia to pierwsza zaleta. 2. W porównaniu z materiałów drewnianych i tworzyw sztucznych, Żywotność tac metalu jest co najmniej 3 rok dłużej. 3. Taca metalu może być zawracany, nawet po długim czasie może uszkodzić naprawy, spawalniczy. 4. Jeśli taca metal, który jest w ramce, następnie, może lepiej chronić dostawy towarów.
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  • Jakie są cechy Tace stalowe?

    Taca stalowa jest dalej tacy stalowej lub metalowej tacy. Spośród kilku rodzajów palet magazynowych, Jest to powszechnie stosowana paleta że jest bardzo trwały i łatwy w utrzymaniu. Sześć cechy i korzyści wynikające z zastosowania są stalowe tacki: 1. Taca stalowa wykonana jest z blachy stalowej ocynkowanej blachy stalowej oraz przez specjalny sprzęt. Spośród wszystkich rodzajów tac, jego nośność jest bardzo silny. 2. 100% ochrona środowiska. Materiał palet stalowych złomu mogą być powtórnie wykorzystane w celu osiągnięcia maksymalnej recyklingu zasobów. Sprzyja zrównoważonej produkcji i życia. 3. Powierzchnia tacy stalowej mogą być wykonane z leczenia antypoślizgową, w celu uniknięcia ostrych rogach stali od podpinania, w ...
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  • Jak wybrać odpowiedni Półka?

    dzisiaj, przemysł półka opracował bardzo dojrzały. Półki są potrzebne we wszystkich dziedzinach życia, zwłaszcza niektóre duże przedsiębiorstwa mają wyższe wymagania dotyczące półkach. Czy magazyn jest dobrze zarządzana, czy też nie, zależy od konstrukcji półek magazynowych w dużym stopniu, czy jest to wygodne dla administratora magazynu do użytku. Więc jak możemy wybrać odpowiednią półkę, gdy robimy projekt półka? Pierwszy: waga półka Wszyscy wiemy, że półki są używane do przechowywania towarów i produktów. Następnie nośność należy uznać. Jeżeli nośność nie spełnia wymagań, Realizacja projektu półka musi zawieść. Następnie, czy jesteśmy w podstawowej komunikacji lub w później ...
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  • Jakie są zalety ciężkich Półka Production?

    There are many heavy shelves in the use of warehouses, and the convenience it brings to us is irreplaceable. Although we can see a variety of shelves, the effect is similar. Due to the relatively large demand for heavy-duty shelves in the market, there will be many manufacturers of heavy-duty shelves. What advantages do these manufacturers have when making heavy-duty shelves? Advantage 1: Market demand Heavy-duty rack production is used a lot in warehouse management, so the demand in the market is relatively large. This demand has promoted the development of heavy-duty shelf production, provided an opportunity for heavy-duty shelf production, and gave us the opportunity to see more styles of heavy-duty shelves, which facilitated the management and use of…
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  • Jaki jest Półki Standardowy Dla Heavy Metal?

    Generally speaking, from design to manufacture to installation of a heavy metal shelf, it must follow the standards set by the relevant departments of many countries. Only by following these standards can we ensure reasonable design, high quality manufacturing, and installation specifications. What is the shelf standard? 1. The standards that must be followed in the design are some related design specifications for the heavy metal shelves in the warehouse, some construction specifications for seismic and load design, and various metal materials such as steel structures, carbon steel, thin-walled steel and other design specifications. 2. The standards involved in manufacturing and installation include various technical standards for material processing, welding technical standards, spraying and other technical standards, and of course…
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  • Jak Półki Do Ciężkie Occupy półkach rynku zbytu?

    The main purpose of heavy shelves is generally used to store steel, coal, large metal products or home appliances. So what are the characteristics of heavy shelves in warehouse shelves? What storage advantages can this heavy shelves bring to operators? 1 . Storage philosophy in heavy shelves Heavy-duty shelves have the storage function of general shelves, in addition, they also have a very strong load-bearing effect. W związku z tym, this kind of shelf can meet the needs of many home appliances industries, especially for some small businesses, placing these home appliances one by one according to brand specifications, batches, models, and delivery times, so they often have very good storage effect. 2. Heavy shelves are fully used in manufacturing industry Manufacturing industry…
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  • Jak utrzymać metalowe szafki

    1. Avoid bumps This is the first thing to notice after purchasing the metal fittings. The furniture should be handled carefully during handling; the place where the iron work is placed should be where the hard objects rarely come into contact with; once the place is selected, it should not change frequently. ; The floor on which iron furniture is placed should also be kept level, so that the furniture's legs are stable and level. If it is not stable, the iron furniture will be slightly deformed over time, affecting the service life of the furniture. 2. Clean dust removal It is best to use cotton knitwear as a rag to wipe the surface of metal furniture. It is best…
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  • How To Choose a Locker

    1. Look at the structure of the locker Many customers now choose to customize the wall-mounted lockers, which can make good use of the living room space. In this case, drawers and partitions can be flexibly used together. How to arrange the internal structure is the most reasonable and can be communicated with the designer. 2. Look at accessories of the locker Accessories such as slide rails are one of the areas that are prone to problems every day. When selecting a locker, you must carefully check a slide rail. You can choose accessories that are smooth and quiet during the push and pull process. Such accessories have less wear and tear. The service life is also relatively long. 3.
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  • What Are The Materials of The Lockers?

    1. Plastic lockers, plastic storage cabinets are usually called plastic finishing boxes, plastic storage boxes, itp. Most of them are made of polyethylene. The materials are more environmentally friendly and can be used in home wardrobes. When buying, we must buy the following belts. There are wheels, so we can adjust the position. 2. Cloth lockers , cloth lockers are also the most common, and there are many compartments, and it is more convenient to receive items. Girls generally choose this kind of lockers, put some underwear and socks, and some cloth storage The locker will have a zipper so that you can see it at a glance when you open it. 3. Metal lockers , such as iron lockers…
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  • Dlaczego firmy korzystają z koszy stalowych?

    As an indispensable prop in the material distribution system, the steel material basket is also an important part of production logistics. The steel baskets has always played the role of improving distribution efficiency, reducing product inventory, and ensuring orderly production. In particular, if there are many types and large quantities of material requirements in the manufacturing workshop, the low efficiency of logistics distribution has become a bottleneck in the logistics distribution of the workshop, which seriously affects the production efficiency. In the early stages of workshop planning, most companies did not pay much attention to the importance of storage specifications, and devoted all their energy to product quality and production line optimization, resulting in imperfect workshop storage specifications and the…
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