
  • The difference between steel tray and iron tray

    Many customers have such a question when buying pallets: Are steel pallets and iron pallets the same thing? What's the difference between the two trays? Is the performance of iron trays worse than steel trays? Fil-fatt, a steel tray is also called an iron tray. The two are essentially one thing, and there is no difference. There is no such thing as an iron tray that is inferior to a steel tray. Simply put, an iron tray is a steel tray. So how do customers choose pallets that are truly cost-effective and suitable for their needs when choosing pallets for purchase? L-ewwel, different material pallets determine their price and use. The wood-plastic tray has material limitations, is afraid of…
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  • Foshan Yougu company team travel

    KUNTATT, Ltd specialized in design and manufacturing all kinds of metal warehouse logistic storage container,Rack tat-tajers tal-metall tat-trakkijiet tal-ħażna li jistgħu jiġġarfu tal-industrija tal-karozzi, Rack tat-tajers tal-metall tat-trakkijiet tal-ħażna li jistgħu jiġġarfu tal-industrija tal-karozzi, Rack tat-tajers tal-metall tat-trakkijiet tal-ħażna li jistgħu jiġġarfu tal-industrija tal-karozzi, Rack tat-tajers tal-metall tat-trakkijiet tal-ħażna li jistgħu jiġġarfu tal-industrija tal-karozzi,Rack tat-tajers tal-metall tat-trakkijiet tal-ħażna li jistgħu jiġġarfu tal-industrija tal-karozzi. Xtillieri tal-Ħażna tal-Ħażna Heavy Duty li jiċċaqilqu Rack tal-metall 7000 square meter factory workshop 56 set kinds of machine.with 89 professional workers and engineer team, QC team and other office stuff . In order to enhance the team awareness of the company's employees, let employees relax and enjoy the pleasant scenery of nature, the company specially organized a "Huizhou Hot Spring Tour". The event not only enriched the employees' spare time, but also enhanced the communication and cooperation between the departments, and made the big family more harmonious, which improved the cohesiveness of the company and fully demonstrated…
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  • Il-klassifikazzjoni tal-pallets hija standardizzata gradwalment

     Classification criteria According to the material, użu, top tal-mejda, metodu ta 'forklifting u struttura tal-forklift, there are various types of pallets. Speċjalment f'xi okkażjonijiet li jeħtieġu tħaddim mgħaġġel, minħabba l-effiċjenza għolja, sigurtà u stabbiltà tal-pallets, diversi pajjiżi żviluppaw varjetà ta 'pallets speċjali. Bħal pallets tal-ħġieġ ċatt, trejs tat-tajers, pallets ta 'daqs twil u pallets speċjali għat-tnabar taż-żejt. Huwa preċiżament minħabba l-varjetà wiesgħa ta 'trejs, għandha firxa wiesgħa ta 'applikabbiltà u l-versatilità tagħha. Hija tinsab ċentralment fl-effiċjenza ta 'rabtiet loġistika varji bħall-immaniġġjar, ħażna, trasport u ippakkjar, u għandu funzjoni importanti ħafna ta 'konnessjoni. Għalkemm it-trej huwa biss apparat żgħir, its…
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  • Six types of warehouses, supermarket trays

    (1) Flat tray. Flat pallets are almost synonymous with pallets. As long as the pallets are generally referred to as flat pallets, flat pallets are the most widely used, with the largest number of uses and the best versatility. Flat trays can be subdivided into three types. 1 According to the table top classification. There are four types: single-sided, single-sided, double-sided and airfoil; 2 According to the forklift fork classification. There are three types: one-way fork type, two-way fork type, and four-way fork type. 3 Classification according to materials. There are five types of wooden flat trays, steel flat trays, plastic flat trays, composite flat trays, and paper trays. According to the China National Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Pallet…
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  • Customized pallet manufacturers

    Belt Foshan, excellent solid storage equipment, patented engineering plastic strong plastic safety box: the main components according to the requirements of various manufacturers of product technology and quality requirements are different, mainly in the composition of synthetic resin content and filler ratio is different, the quality of the product There is also a big difference. The so-called contrast between the depth and the depth should refer to the fact that the two colors in the design color appear subtly on one kind of picture at the same time, resulting in a more harmonious viewing angle effect. The skill of the packaging design does not go to the taste of many goods packaging, making consumers feel dissatisfied, even bored, directly affecting…
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  • Prekawzjonijiet relatati mal-konsolidazzjoni tal-maħżen

    Prekawzjonijiet relatati mal-konsolidazzjoni tal-maħżen: 1. Il-materja prima għandha tkun immarkata bi status ta 'spezzjoni, numru tal-materjal, data tal-produzzjoni, u m'għandux jaqbeż il-ħażna effettiva tal-materjali. Terminu; materjali mingħajr data, terġa’ żżid is-sena, xahar, u jum fuq l-istiker; 2, il-kundizzjonijiet tal-ħażna għandhom jinżammu taħt 28C, umdità 40 ~ 80%; fabbrika tal-verifika tal-arja kondizzjonata biex tiftaħ fl-istess jum; 3. Il-fornituri kollha tal-materja prima għandhom ikunu fornituri fid-Direttorju tal-Fornituri Kwalifikati; 4. Il-manifatturi fil-Katalgu tal-Fornituri Kwalifikati għandhom ikunu akkreditati u jkollhom rekords rilevanti; 5, il-materjali li jidħlu biex jiġu spezzjonati ma jistgħux ipoġġu prodotti difettużi; u wara l-ispezzjoni, għandu jkun hemm identifikazzjoni ċara (kwalifikati, miċħuda, eċċ.); 6. The material placed on…
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  • How many types of storage shelves are there?

    Three-dimensional shelf The storage method of the warehouse has become the main body of the three-dimensional warehouse since the development of the flat storage to the high-level storage. A wide variety of automated and mechanized warehouses consisting of various forms of shelves that meet different functional requirements have become an important part of the warehousing system and the entire logistics system or production process. trej rack. L-ixkafef tal-pallet jaħżnu merkanzija tal-pallet unitized, u huma mgħammra b'stackers tat-triq u makkinarju ieħor ta 'ħażna u trasport. High-rise shelves use a monolithic structure, which is usually welded by steel profiles (with pallets), connected by horizontal and vertical tie rods and beams. Id-distakk tal-ġenb 6 considers the parking precision of the cargo…
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  • How to choose the shelves in the warehouse?

    Now more and more companies are using shelves, but many companies don't know what kind of warehouse shelves are right for them. Here are some aspects of our selection of shelves: 1. The structure type and operation mode of the warehouse; 2. Determine the size of the warehouse and the overall layout of the warehouse; 3, understand the management of goods, you can use the ABC classification management analysis method; 4. Determine the form size and weight of the cargo unit; 5. Determine the type and parameters of the mechanical handling equipment; 6. When purchasing the shelves, try to put your relevant information in detail, and you can better choose the shelves suitable for the enterprise. The correct shelf planning…
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  • The characteristics of the cloth shelf

    The cloth shelf is usually a manual access method, assembled structure, and the layer spacing is evenly adjustable. Shelves can be divided into light, medium and heavy shelf shelves according to the load capacity of each layer. The laminates are mainly divided into steel laminates and wood laminates. A variety of styles bring new storage options to customers. It also facilitates the tally and classification of the warehouse, and the warehouse is uniform. Cloth shelf features: 1.Assembled structure, adjustable, easy to assemble and disassemble The cloth shelf is mainly the sub-frame structure. The main frame is mainly composed of the column piece, the beam and the layer plate; the main frame has two column pieces, and the sub-frame has only…
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  • Promote the standardization of pallets and promote the transformation and upgrading of the logistics industry

    With the rapid development of China's e-commerce field and the acceleration of the development of urban logistics industry, improving the service quality of logistics industry and saving logistics costs, and building an intelligent and standardized urban logistics system has become an industry consensus. On the 22nd, the 8th China Urban Logistics Development Conference hosted by the China Warehousing and Distribution Association and the Provincial Department of Commerce set up communication channels for production, circulation and logistics enterprises from the perspective of urban logistics supply chain, and aggregated the national logistics industry to jointly explore urban logistics development. In the on-site dialogue, Wu Qingyi, Chairman of the Asian Pallet System Alliance, which is known as the leader of China's logistics industry,…
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X'inhi d-differenza bejn l-ixkaffa tal-injam u l-ixkaffa tal-metall