
  • Аж үйлдвэрийн намхан тэвштэй троллейбус

    The flatbed trolley is a flat transport device; it is convenient and practical to work in a small area. The design of the trolley series is light and easy to carry. Due to its ease of use, it is widely used in short-distance handling in warehouses, manufacturing plants, department stores, logistics centers, freight terminals or distribution. The trolley has a single wheel, two wheels, three wheels and four wheels. The unicycle can be driven on narrow springboards, bridges and winding roads. It can be turned in place and dumping goods is very convenient. Commonly used two-wheeled vehicles include a hand-carrying van (also called a mountain-jun car) that transports articles, a stroller, and a dump truck that carries bulk materials. One…
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  • агуулахын тавиур ашиглан ашиг хийхгүй харьцуулахад юу вэ?

    Интернетийн эрин үед, Интернетийн хурд үргэлжлэн урагшилсаар байна. Цахим худалдааны онлайн худалдааны хөгжил нь олон аж ахуйн нэгжийг эхлүүлж, ложистик, агуулахын салбарыг хөгжүүлж байна.. Ихэнх агуулахыг ашиглах боломжгүй өнөөгийн нөхцөл байдлыг бүх орон нутагт илчилсэн. Агуулахын агуулах нь бараа, агуулах хоёрын гэрээг хэрхэн дуусгадаг вэ? Уламжлалт арга бол бараагаа овоолох явдал юм, гэхдээ энэ арга нь олон таагүй талуудтай. Зөвхөн барааны гэмтэл чухал биш, харин цаг хугацааны хэрэглээ, буруу бараа үүснэ. Агуулахын тавиур ашиглах нь уламжлалт бүтээгдэхүүнийг овоолох горимтой харьцуулахад тод ялгаатай байх болно. 1. The warehouse…
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  • How to Improve Warehouse Management Efficiency

    (1) Optimization of cargo space and improvement of sorting work power Classify the goods by label, order them in an orderly manner, and replace the title, category and other information of the goods with concise words, symbols or numbers. Scientific coding of goods, which facilitates accurate product coding, enables rapid warehousing and work power. In order to make the warehouse orderly, which is conducive to the working standards of the warehouse, the tally should divide the storage space into several areas according to the storage requirements and characteristics of the goods, form the cargo space, and number, one is to facilitate the difference of the goods, and the second is It provides convenience for sorting work and efficient sorting work.…
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  • The development of storage shelf automation has become mainstream

    With the development of China's manufacturing industry, the logistics and warehousing industry as the "third spring" of the economy has increasingly shown his superiority, resulting in the pace of construction of automated warehouses will gradually accelerate. Одоогоор, the modernization of various industries, such as the home appliance industry, the automobile industry, the food industry, the tobacco industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, are increasingly demanding automated storage shelves, and the efficient logistics has become more and more resistant to the industry. The design requirements of the shelves have been improved, and the shelf industry has obtained a broad platform for benign development. The scientific research capability has continuously promoted the continuous improvement and improvement of the industry, and the development…
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  • Metal turnover box features

    Metal boxes are also called metal turnover boxes and steel turnover boxes. The structure is similar to storage cages and is divided into fixed and folded. Metal box is mainly used for storage and turnover of goods. Its environmental protection, moisture, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, beauty and durability are widely used in hardware machinery, auto parts, light industrial textiles, electronic appliances and other industries. Metal turnover box features: 1. Environmental protection, moisture, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй, beautiful and durable 2. Strong load capacity, not easy to deform; can be covered, good dust tightness 3. Acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, metal structure wear resistance, long service life of the turnover box 4. Three-dimensional stacking storage, зай хэмнэх; with forklifts, cranes, storage management saves time…
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  • About gas cylinder cart

    Compared with the common metal gas cylinder carts, the all-plastic gas cylinder cart is more powerful, more operability and better balance, and it is the ideal tool for industrial sites. It is very easy to move the cylinders up and down, and it is very labor-saving. When it is stopped, it can be used as a cylinder placement and holder, without any worries. Compared with metal gas cylinder carts, the all-plastic gas cylinder cart does not generate friction sparks, and the body will not corrode or generate noise in any bad weather. The two gas cylinder carts can hold two gas cylinders from 8 cm up to 31 cm in diameter, allowing for the most common cylinders and acetylene cylinders.…
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  • Use The Warehouse Storage Cage To Master The Key Points To Effectively Avoid Misuse

    Бид бол Хятадын шилдэг үйлдвэрлэгчид. We have extensive business experience. Бидэнд бизнесийн арвин туршлага бий. Our products include metal cage storage,металл хадгалах шүүгээ , metal cage storage units.Welcome to contact us. Warehouse storage cages are commonly used products in the turnover of logistics assembly units. This product is relatively suitable, and it is relatively popular with everyone, but even the best equipment, if you want to extend its service life, we still need to master Some points about the use of warehouse storage cages, then what are the main points of use of warehouse storage cages? Don't worry about it, please read it with interested friends. First, pay attention to the purchase of…
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  • Development status and trend of storage shelf industry

    Бидэнд бизнесийн арвин туршлага бий. Бидэнд бизнесийн арвин туршлага бий. Our products include metal storage bins, металл хадгалах шүүгээ,металл тор хавтан,steel security cage Please contact us. The main analysis points of the supermarket storage shelf industry forecast analysis report include: 1) Predict the market capacity and changes of the supermarket rush warehouse industry. Market commodity capacity refers to the total demand for a certain amount of money to pay. Market capacity and its change forecasts can be divided into production data market forecasts and consumer data market forecasts. The production capacity market capacity forecast is based on the research on the development direction and development focus of the national economy, comprehensively…
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  • Several storage shelves commonly found in warehouses

    The above is the Several storage shelves commonly found in warehouses for metal cage shelves. If you want to know more about metal cage panels, Бидэнд бизнесийн арвин туршлага бий, гэх мэт., дугуй төмөр тор. tray rack The pallet racks store unitized pallet cargo, and are equipped with roadway stackers and other storage and transportation machinery. The high-rise shelves mostly adopt a monolithic structure, which is generally made of steel-welded shelf pieces (with trays), which are connected by horizontal and vertical tie rods and beams. The side gap 6 considers the parking precision of the cargo at the original position, the parking accuracy of the stacker, the mounting accuracy of the stacker and the shelf, and the width of the cargo…
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  • Three important meanings of storage cages

    The following is about Three important meanings of storage cages related metal cage I hope to help you better understand Three important meanings of storage cages The three important meanings of storage cages: folding storage cages, four-wheel storage cages, special storage cages, and these types of storage cages have different meanings. The storage functions of different types of storage cages are very different, the following will be You introduce three types of introductions: folding storage cages, four-wheel storage cages, and special storage cages: (1) Storage cage equipment is the main way of progressive storage. Хадгалах торны ёроолыг гагнаж U хэлбэрийн гангаар хийсэн. U хэлбэрийн ган нь хүйтэн цувисан туузан тээрэмээр цувидаг. The bottom four legs…
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