
  • Зошто со палетата со магацини треба да управува 5S

    More and more warehouses use 5s to manage warehouse pallets and goods. Many companies have successfully implemented 5s management, but some companies do not insist on 5s management. Why does the warehouse need 5s management? прво, the implementation of 5s management can solve most problems in the warehouse. No debris, equipment, materials, and tools are stacked in the warehouse. The warehouse becomes a "debris storage place"; shelves of different sizes, warehouse trays of different sizes, and items are not arranged neatly. The project does not have a "material transceiver registration certificate", and the operating status is unclear. It is difficult for others to find except the parties. Spot products are stacked too high or too high, it is not easy…
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  • Што да сторите ако стоката се натрупа по продолжувањето на работата, а палетата не е доволна

    After resuming work, enterprises faced a surge in orders and exposed many vulnerabilities in warehouse management. The lack of warehouse capacity and the shortage of pallets have caused companies to start thinking about management loopholes. How to improve the delivery accuracy, inventory accuracy, and delivery efficiency is a problem that companies must deal with, and the loopholes in the store layout should be resolved in a timely manner. The surge in customer orders means that the warehouse receipts will also increase suddenly, which poses a challenge to the storage capacity of the warehouse. We need to optimize based on the current warehouse inventory. 1. Sort out the goods Arrange employees to sort the warehouse goods, analyze their storage conditions, optimize…
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  • Yougu нов производ-железна полица

    Foshan Yougu чување опрема копродукции, Ltd специјализирана за дизајн и производство на сите видови метални складишни логистички контејнери за складирање, кафез, палети, количка, редење багажник, палети, итн, што е целосно снабдувач на решенија за складирање. Ова е нашиот најнов производ, железна рамка за складирање, користат за ставање производи во магацинот. Доколку сте заинтересирани за нашите производи, можете да не контактирате за да се распрашате за цената, работиме на големо, толку повеќе количина, толку повеќе попуст
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  • Што е количка и што го прави тоа?

    The handcart is a carrying vehicle that is pushed and pulled by manpower. It is the ancestor of all vehicles. Despite the continuous development of material handling technology for trolleys, trolleys are still in use today as an indispensable handling tool. The trolley is widely used in production and life because it has low cost, simple maintenance, convenient operation, light weight, can work in places where motor vehicles are inconvenient to use, and is very convenient for moving lighter items in short distances. Trolleys for different uses have different body structures. Most universal four-wheeled trolleys have a cargo platform. Dedicated trolleys have a variety of structures, some of which are box-shaped and suitable for handling light-weight and easy-to-load items; some…
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  • Што е разликата помеѓу дрвена полица и метал Рок?

    Basically, the common shelves in our daily life have metal shelves and wooden shelves, which are widely used in our lives. Although they are used in our common supermarkets, their uses are different Yes, what are the specific differences? Wooden shelves are also called solid wood shelves and fresh shelves. It is a commonly used shelf in shopping malls, supermarkets and some small shops. Wooden shelves are a kind of commercial facilities that integrate the display of goods, the placement of goods, the sale of goods, and the storage of goods. It is a physical carrier for placing various goods and goods in modern supermarkets and shopping malls, and an artistic carrier for displaying ideas in supermarkets. So it is…
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  • Кои се еден од најчесто користените материјали За Полици?

    Shelves is a general term that contains a lot of content. So how many shelves are there in the market? According to the material, it is roughly divided into the following types: 1) Steel shelves: This is the most sold variety in the market. From storage to supermarkets, steel shelves have the largest sales volume. The reason is that the raw materials of steel are low in price, excellent mechanical properties and good processing performance (Such as solderability); 2) Wooden shelves, mostly used for home storage or display in supermarkets 3) Aluminum shelves: Due to their lightness and aesthetics, they are mostly used in supermarkets and have limited carrying capacity; 4) Alloy shelves: It is an improved version of aluminum…
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  • Каква Полиците се погодни за овошје и зеленчук?

    Најпрво, you must choose according to the shelf display area. If it is a fresh supermarket shelf placed in the middle area, you can choose a double-sided structure shelf for products such as fruits and vegetables. No matter what angle the customer walks through, he can see the products on the fresh shelves, which can form a greater appeal for customers. If it is placed in the area next to the wall, the fresh supermarket shelves should choose a single-sided structure. The fresh supermarket shelves with a single-sided structure are easy to place against the wall and will not take up too much area. Exhibition space Followed by the selection of fresh supermarket shelf materials, fresh supermarket shelves…
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  • Како да го користите метални палети со Полици Правилно?

    Metal pallets are one of the common logistics equipment in logistics transportation and storage turnover, и исто така е една од најчесто користените уреди за складирање во врска со полиците за складирање. Употребата на метални палети го олеснува директно преместувањето на стоката во полиците за складирање со виklушкар, што не само што обезбедува ефикасност во работењето, туку и заштедува трошоци за рачно ракување. Па, како правилно да ги користите металните палети и полици? Преглед на производителите на метални ленти Шанџијан е како што следува: јас. Metal pallet with heavy shelves Heavy shelves are typical of using metal pallet shelves. Може да има типична група на вакви полици 2-3 метални палети поставени рамо до рамо за потребите на испорака. This type…
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  • Како да се избере Палети за трите најчесто користени Полици?

    Metal pallets are one of the common logistics equipment in logistics transportation and storage turnover, и исто така е една од најчесто користените уреди за складирање во врска со полиците за складирање. Употребата на метални палети го олеснува директно преместувањето на стоката во полиците за складирање со виklушкар, што не само што обезбедува ефикасност во работењето, туку и заштедува трошоци за рачно ракување. Then heavy shelves, through shelves, shuttle shelves, smart shelves, итн. need to combine their own characteristics, according to different storage needs, choose different material pallets. Pallets are roughly divided into metal materials, wood, plastic, There are four kinds of materials. 1. Heavy shelves, heavy shelves are typical of using metal pallet shelves. A typical group of…
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  • Classification Of Trolleys

    Trolleys are divided into single wheel, two wheel, three wheel and four wheel. Unicycles can travel on narrow springboards, bridges, and sheep's intestines. They can steer in place, which is convenient for dumping cargo. Commonly used two-wheeled vehicles include hand-carried vans (also known as tiger carts) that carry items, shelf trucks, and bucket trucks that handle bulk materials. One of the three-wheeled trolleys and two of the four-wheeled trolleys can be turned around the vertical axis (see the swing casters). This type of swivel caster can be automatically adjusted to the direction with the smallest running resistance as the moving direction of the vehicle changes. Different use trolleys have different body structures. Most four-wheeled trolleys have a cargo platform. Dedicated…
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