What is the difference between a metal cage and a storage cage?

Бизде бизнестин бай тажрыйбасы бар. Биз дүйнө жүзү боюнча кардарларыбызга канааттандырарлык өнүмдөрдү жана кызматтарды сунуштайбыз. Биздин өнүмдөрдү камтыйт cage metal, металл текчелер,металл капас панелдер,metal cage door Сураныч, биз менен байланышыңыз.

The metal mesh cage has the same function as the storage cage and has a similar appearance. But the two have obvious differences, as shown in the figure. Storage cages We generally refer to folding galvanized storage cages, which are an international standard logistics container and are widely used. Metal cages We generally refer to stackable and folded mesh steel stacking cages.

They are similar in that both of them are in the form of net cages, which are logistics instruments used to turnover and store goods, and are common structural forms in logistics packaging containers. They are made of metal steel pipe and steel wire material, welded into a mesh appearance, and the second is that they can be folded and stacked to load heavier goods.

Биздин фабрика өндүрүш боюнча көбүрөөк тажрыйбага ээ What is the difference between a metal cage and a storage cage?,жана биз бир нече түрлөрү менен байланышкан өнүмдөрдү камсыз кыла алат, сыяктуу small metal cage,metal security cage,metal cage wall,metal cage fencing,metal cage ark,жана башкалар. Булар тууралуу кененирээк билгиңиз келсе, биз менен байланышууга кош келиңиз!

Пост убактысы: 2019-05-31