
材料分配システムにおいて不可欠プロップとして, the steel material basket is also an important part of production logistics. The steel baskets has always played the role of improving distribution efficiency, 製品在庫の削減, かつ秩序ある生産性を確保. 特に, 製造ワークショップには多くの種類や材料の要件を大量に存在する場合, 物流流通の効率が低いことは、ワークショップの物流流通のボトルネックとなっています, これは真剣に、生産効率に影響を与えます.

ワークショップの企画の初期段階で, ほとんどの企業は、ストレージ仕様の重要性に多くの注意を払っていませんでした, 製品の品質や生産ラインの最適化にすべてのエネルギーを捧げ, resulting in imperfect workshop storage specifications and the use of steel baskets Confusion, endless use cases emerge endlessly. The steel baskets greatly affects the amount of storage space in the warehouse, and affects the way of loading materials.

So how to send the materials to the required processes in a timely and reasonable manner becomes significant to the manufacturing workshop. This also has to say the advantages of steel baskets:

The steel material basket is also called the steel material box. In order to meet the needs of the company’s material transportation, 取り扱い, protection, convenient storage and transportation, the name of the utensils produced according to a certain technical method or molding process. The steel material basket can be used in conjunction with a variety of logistics containers and station appliances, which has played a key role in improving the management level of the production workshop or warehouse, improving product quality, reducing production costs, and increasing production efficiency.

Enterprises immediately adopt unified steel material baskets, which can improve the turnover rate of the company’s materials, standardize the storage of materials, and improve the efficiency of material picking, reduce the waste of inventory space, and reduce the cost of enterprise transportation.

ポストの時間: 2019-12-05