
Classification criteria
資料によると, 使用する, テーブルトップ, フォークリフトの方法と構造をforklifting, there are various types of pallets. 特に高速動作を必要とするいくつかの場面で, 高効率のために, パレットの安全性と安定性, 様々な国では、特別なパレットの様々な開発しています. このような平らなガラスパレットなど, タイヤトレー, 長いサイズのパレットとドラム缶のための特別なパレット.
それはので、トレイの多種多様な正確です, それが適用とその汎用性の広い範囲を持っています. これは、中央ような処理など、様々な物流リンクの効率に位置しています, ストレージ, 輸送や梱包, そして、の接続の非常に重要な機能を持っています. トレイはわずかアプライアンスものの, its size is the core of the package size, the compartment size, and the size of the container unit. Only by the tray size as the standard, the packaging specifications, truck compartments, train compartments, container boxes and other supporting specifications and serialization specifications are the best to reflect the rationality and efficiency of handling, ストレージ, transportation and packaging operations. In addition to this, the size of the pallet also relates to the size of the container unit. The size of the container unit also refers to the size of the packaging unit, truck compartments, railway wagons, warehouse passages and shelf sizes, and even the logistics infrastructure, such as the construction structure, loading and unloading of cargo handling stations such as railway stations, ports, terminals, 等. The standard size of the handling equipment. 故に, in a certain sense, the standardization of pallets is not only the premise of pallet leasing, pallet circulation and recycling, but also the decisive factor for mechanization and automation of loading, アン, packaging, transportation and storage operations. Without the uniform size of the pallets and the serialization standards of related facilities, 装置, devices and tools based on pallets, it is only possible to rationalize the local logistics and it is difficult to rationalize the overall logistics. Because of this, it is natural to become the common aspiration of the logistics industry to unify the specifications of pallets to maximize logistics costs.


ポストの時間: 2019-11-22