
  • Miért kell a raktár raklapot az 5S-nek kezelnie?

    More and more warehouses use 5s to manage warehouse pallets and goods. Many companies have successfully implemented 5s management, but some companies do not insist on 5s management. Why does the warehouse need 5s management? Első, the implementation of 5s management can solve most problems in the warehouse. No debris, equipment, materials, and tools are stacked in the warehouse. The…
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  • Mi a teendő, ha az árut a munka folytatása után rakják fel, és a raklap nem elég

    After resuming work, enterprises faced a surge in orders and exposed many vulnerabilities in warehouse management. The lack of warehouse capacity and the shortage of pallets have caused companies to start thinking about management loopholes. How to improve the delivery accuracy, inventory accuracy, and delivery efficiency is a problem that companies must deal with, and the loopholes in the store…
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  • Yougu új termék - vaspolc

    Foshan Yougu Storage Equipment Co., Ltd specialized in design and manufacturing all kinds of metal warehouse logistic storage containers, ketrec, raklap, targonca, anyagmozgató állvány, raklap, etc which is totally storage solution provider. This is our latest product, storage iron frame, use to place products in the warehouse. If you are interested in our products, you can contact us to inquire about…
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  • Mi az a kocsi, és mit csinál?

    A kézikocsi egy szállító jármű, amelyet munkaerő tol és húz. Minden jármű őse. A kocsik anyagmozgatási technológiájának folyamatos fejlesztése ellenére, A kocsik ma is nélkülözhetetlen eszközként használatosak. The trolley is widely used in production and life because it has low cost, egyszerű karbantartás, kényelmes működés, light…
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  • Mi a különbség egy fa polc és egy fém Raktári?

    Alapvetően, the common shelves in our daily life have metal shelves and wooden shelves, Alapvetően. Alapvetően, Alapvetően, Alapvetően? Wooden shelves are also called solid wood shelves and fresh shelves. Alapvetően, supermarkets…
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  • Mik a legáltalánosabban használt anyagok a polcok?

    Shelves is a general term that contains a lot of content. So how many shelves are there in the market? According to the material, it is roughly divided into the following types: 1) Steel shelves: This is the most sold variety in the market. From storage to supermarkets, steel shelves have the largest sales volume. The reason is that the…
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  • Milyen típusú polcok alkalmasak a gyümölcsök és zöldségek?

    Először is, you must choose according to the shelf display area. If it is a fresh supermarket shelf placed in the middle area, you can choose a double-sided structure shelf for products such as fruits and vegetables. No matter what angle the customer walks through, he can see the products on the fresh shelves, which can form a greater…
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  • Hogyan kell használni a Metal Raklap polcok Megfelelően?

    Metal pallets are one of the common logistics equipment in logistics transportation and storage turnover, and it is also one of the most frequently used storage equipment in conjunction with storage shelves. The use of metal pallets makes it easier to directly move the goods in the storage shelves with a forklift, which not only provides work efficiency but also…
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  • Hogyan válasszuk ki paletták a három leggyakrabban használt polcok?

    Metal pallets are one of the common logistics equipment in logistics transportation and storage turnover, and it is also one of the most frequently used storage equipment in conjunction with storage shelves. The use of metal pallets makes it easier to directly move the goods in the storage shelves with a forklift, which not only provides work efficiency but also…
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  • Besorolása kocsik

    Trolleys are divided into single wheel, két kerék, három kerék és négy kerék. Az egykerekűek keskeny ugródeszkákon közlekedhetnek, hidak, and sheep's intestines. Helyben tudnak kormányozni, amely kényelmes a rakomány lerakására. Az általánosan használt kétkerekű járművek közé tartoznak a kézi kocsik (más néven tigriskocsik) amelyek tárgyakat szállítanak, polcos teherautók, és ömlesztett anyagokat kezelő kanalas teherautók. One of…
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  • Milyen előnyei vannak a Metal Raklap Ami a praktikusság

    1. The raw material of metal tray is mainly Q235 steel, so weighing capacity is the first advantage. 2. Compared with wooden and plastic materials, the service life of metal trays is at least 3 years longer. 3. The metal tray can be recycled, even after a long time can damage repair, welding. 4. If the metal tray that is…
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  • Mi jellemzi a Acél tálcák?

    Steel tray is referred to as steel tray or metal tray. Among several types of storage pallets, this is a widely used pallet that is very durable and easy to maintain. The six characteristics and advantages of using steel trays are: 1. The steel tray is made of steel plate and galvanized steel plate by special equipment. Among all the…
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