Qu'est-ce que les étagères standard pour Heavy Metal?

En général, from design to manufacture to installation of a heavy metal shelf, il doit suivre les normes établies par les services compétents de nombreux pays. Seulement en suivant ces normes, nous pouvons assurer la conception raisonnable, fabrication de haute qualité, et les spécifications d'installation. Quelle est la norme de conservation?

1. The standards that must be followed in the design are some related design specifications for the heavy metal shelves in the warehouse, certaines spécifications de construction pour la conception sismique et la charge, et divers matériaux métalliques tels que des structures en acier, Acier Carbone, acier à paroi mince et d'autres spécifications de conception.

2. Les normes impliquées dans la fabrication et l'installation comprennent différentes normes techniques pour le traitement des matériaux, soudage normes techniques, pulvérisation et d'autres normes techniques, and of course there are standards that need to be followed during transportation.

3. In the process of manufacturing heavy metal shelves, the selected materials must also meet certain standards, such as the standard of specified strength. Par exemple, the general compression standard of cold-formed steel is 205, and the endurance of the endurance is 310, etc., and the strength of welding must also reach a certain standard. Still taking cold-formed steel as an example, after welding, the tensile strength of the butt weld is 175, and the fillet weld is resistant. Taste 140 and so on.

4. After the heavy metal shelves is manufactured, it should be tested according to the corresponding standards. Par exemple, the accuracy deviation value of the shelves and columns must be within a certain range, and the accuracy of the welded beam must be within a certain range. Welding The surface must be uniform, and there must be no cracks or pores.

The various standards of heavy metal shelves are introduced here. Only products designed according to the standards can ensure their rationality. Only products manufactured and tested according to the standards can ensure good quality. Only according to the standards Installed products can ensure the safety and life of the use.

heure du Message: 2019-12-24
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