Förderung der Standardisierung von Paletten und die Transformation und Modernisierung der Logistikbranche fördern

With the rapid development of China’s e-commerce field and the acceleration of the development of urban logistics industry, Verbesserung der Servicequalität der Logistikbranche und Einsparung von Logistikkosten, und der Aufbau eines intelligenten und standardisierten städtischen Logistiksystems ist zu einem Branchenkonsens geworden. Am 22, Die 8. China Urban Logistics Development Conference, veranstaltet von der China Warehousing and Distribution Association und dem Handelsministerium der Provinz, richtete Kommunikationskanäle für die Produktion ein, Zirkulations- und Logistikunternehmen aus der Perspektive der städtischen Logistikversorgungskette, und bündelte die nationale Logistikbranche, um gemeinsam die Entwicklung der städtischen Logistik zu erkunden.

Im Dialog vor Ort, Wu Qingyi, Vorsitzender der Asian Pallet System Alliance, which is known as the leader of China’s logistics industry, elaborated on the “standardization of unitized logistics and trade logistics innovation” and “importance of logistics standardization” for nearly 1,000 domestic logistics industry elites. Wait for the subject matter. Wang Jixiang, vice president of the China Warehousing and Distribution Association, said in an interview, “We have signed a strategic agreement with the European Pallet Association to accept Chinese pallet standards instead of implementing European pallet standards.”
“Logistics standardization, Palette is the key.” Hao Xibin, general manager of Changchun Henghe Logistics Service Co., GmbH. told reporters at the meeting that the standardization of logistics Paletten can effectively reduce the handling and packaging costs and packaging costs, help reduce labor costs and speed up products. The speed of circulation, thereby reducing production costs, makes the company’s products more competitive in the market. The innovative approach of Henghe Logistics is to use three-dimensional shelves to store items to improve space utilization. Compared with the previous layout, this method has several times of storage efficiency. At the same time, the inventory operation is easy to use the forklift operation, and the automation and standardization of the inventory operation can be realized.

Setzzeit: 2019-09-07
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