Cyflenwyr trolïau silindr nwy

Mae mwy a mwy o warysau yn defnyddio 5s i reoli paledi a nwyddau warws. Mae llawer o gwmnïau wedi gweithredu rheolaeth 5s yn llwyddiannus, ond nid yw rhai cwmnïau yn mynnu rheolaeth 5s. Pam mae angen rheolaeth 5s ar y warws?
Yn gyntaf, gall gweithredu rheolaeth 5s ddatrys y rhan fwyaf o broblemau yn y warws.

Dim malurion, offer, defnyddiau, ac offer yn cael eu pentyrru yn y warws. Mae'r warws yn dod yn a “man storio malurion”; silffoedd o wahanol feintiau, hambyrddau warws o wahanol feintiau, ac nid yw eitemau wedi'u trefnu'n daclus.
Nid oes gan y prosiect a “tystysgrif gofrestru transceiver materol”, ac mae'r statws gweithredu yn aneglur. Mae'n anodd i eraill ddod o hyd heblaw'r pleidiau. Mae cynhyrchion sbot yn cael eu pentyrru yn rhy uchel neu'n rhy uchel, it is not easy to get started; do not follow thelow light high” “large-small low highprinciple.

The goods are placed on the shelf together with the outer packaging box, which affects the uniformity of the warehouse.
Assault is difficult to clean, and clean is difficult to maintain for a long time.
The warehouse administrator’s security awareness is weak, and the preventive measures are negligent.
Warehouse pallets do not match the use of forklift hydraulic trucks, etc.
The above problems will cause problems such as lagging warehouse management, excessive waste, and many hidden safety hazards. It is inevitable to carry out transformation.

What are the contents of 5s management?

1. Organize
Definition: Distinguish between what is and what is not. Only important items are placed on site.

2. Rectify
Definition: The necessities of daily life according to the provisions, the setting method is neat and orderly, and the signs are clear.

3. Cleaning
Definition: a work area for removing dirt and debris within the site.

4. Clean
Definition: institutionalize, standardize, and maintain the results of organization, rectification, and cleanup.

5. Literacy
Definition: Everyone abides by the rules and regulations, develops good habits, and makes everyone an educated person.

What is the role of 5s management?
The workplace is clean and tidy. The work enthusiasm of employees has increased, more and more loyal customers, the company continues to have high popularity, many people come here to visit, study and expand the company’s popularity and sales results. Improve the quality of employees and keep the warehouse clean and safe. Employees can have a strong sense of quality. According to the production requirements, use it according to the regulations, discover the hidden dangers of quality as soon as possible, and produce high-quality products. 5S management can reduce inventory and eliminate overproduction; reduce the damage of warehouse pallets and goods. The equipment failure rate is low, reducing the search time and waiting time of the workpiece, thereby reducing costs, improving efficiency, and shortening the processing cycle. People have been implementing the regulations of matters correctly. You can start work immediately. Any work has effectively promoted standardization work and improved work efficiency. Such as reducing the number of pallets, forklifts, and other handling tools; reducing unnecessary warehouse shelves and equipment.

Yn fyr, from two aspects of the warehouse and 5S management, it is very necessary to carry out 5S management in the warehouse, which can effectively improve warehouse-related problems, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and reduce costs to a certain extent.

Amser postio: 2020-05-02