
  • كيفية اختيار الحق الجرف?

    Nowadays, the shelf industry has developed very mature. Shelves are needed in all walks of life, especially some large enterprises have higher requirements for shelves. Whether a warehouse is well managed or not, depends on the design of the warehouse shelves to a large extent, whether it is convenient for the warehouse administrator to use. Then how can we choose…
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  • ما هي مزايا الثقيلة الجرف الإنتاج?

    There are many heavy shelves in the use of warehouses, والراحة التي يجلبها لنا لا غنى عنها. على الرغم من أننا يمكن أن نرى مجموعة متنوعة من الرفوف, التأثير مشابه. نظرًا للطلب الكبير نسبيًا على أرفف الخدمة الشاقة في السوق, سيكون هناك العديد من الشركات المصنعة للأرفف الثقيلة. What advantages do these manufacturers have when making heavy-duty…
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  • ما هي رفوف القياسية لالمعادن الثقيلة?

    Generally speaking, from design to manufacture to installation of a heavy metal shelf, it must follow the standards set by the relevant departments of many countries. Only by following these standards can we ensure reasonable design, high quality manufacturing, and installation specifications. What is the shelf standard? 1. The standards that must be followed in the design are some related…
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  • How Do Heavy Shelves Occupy The Market Selling Shelves?

    The main purpose of heavy shelves is generally used to store steel, coal, large metal products or home appliances. So what are the characteristics of heavy shelves in warehouse shelves? What storage advantages can this heavy shelves bring to operators? 1 . Storage philosophy in heavy shelves Heavy-duty shelves have the storage function of general shelves, in addition, they also…
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  • How To Maintain Iron Lockers

    1. Avoid bumps This is the first thing to notice after purchasing the metal fittings. The furniture should be handled carefully during handling; the place where the iron work is placed should be where the hard objects rarely come into contact with; once the place is selected, it should not change frequently. ; The floor on which iron furniture is…
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  • How To Choose a Locker

    1. Look at the structure of the locker Many customers now choose to customize the wall-mounted lockers, which can make good use of the living room space. In this case, drawers and partitions can be flexibly used together. How to arrange the internal structure is the most reasonable and can be communicated with the designer. 2. Look at accessories of…
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  • What Are The Materials of The Lockers?

    1. Plastic lockers, plastic storage cabinets are usually called plastic finishing boxes, plastic storage boxes, إلخ. Most of them are made of polyethylene. The materials are more environmentally friendly and can be used in home wardrobes. When buying, we must buy the following belts. There are wheels, so we can adjust the position. 2. Cloth lockers , cloth lockers are…
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  • الفرق بين علبة الصلب والحديد صينية

    Many customers have such a question when buying pallets: Are steel pallets and iron pallets the same thing? What's the difference between the two trays? Is the performance of iron trays worse than steel trays? في الحقيقة, a steel tray is also called an iron tray. The two are essentially one thing, and there is no difference. There is no…
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  • كم عدد أنواع أرفف التخزين هناك?

    Three-dimensional shelf The storage method of the warehouse has become the main body of the three-dimensional warehouse since the development of the flat storage to the high-level storage. A wide variety of automated and mechanized warehouses consisting of various forms of shelves that meet different functional requirements have become an important part of the warehousing system and the entire logistics…
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  • كيفية اختيار الرفوف في المخازن?

    الآن المزيد والمزيد من الشركات تستخدم الرفوف, but many companies don't know what kind of warehouse shelves are right for them. فيما يلي بعض جوانب اختيارنا للأرفف: 1. نوع الهيكل وطريقة تشغيل المستودع; 2. تحديد حجم المستودع والتخطيط العام للمستودع; 3, understand the management of…
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  • خصائص الرف القماش

    عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية, عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية, عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية. عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية, عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية. عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية. عادة ما يكون رف القماش طريقة وصول يدوية. It also…
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  • تعزيز توحيد المنصات وتعزيز التحول ورفع مستوى صناعة الخدمات اللوجستية

    With the rapid development of China's e-commerce field and the acceleration of the development of urban logistics industry, improving the service quality of logistics industry and saving logistics costs, and building an intelligent and standardized urban logistics system has become an industry consensus. On the 22nd, the 8th China Urban Logistics Development Conference hosted by the China Warehousing and Distribution…
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