Metal omset boks funksies

Metal boxes are also called metal turnover boxes and steel turnover boxes. Die struktuur is soortgelyk aan die stoor hokke en is verdeel in vaste en gevou. Metaal boks is hoofsaaklik gebruik word vir die stoor en omset van goedere. Sy beskerming van die omgewing, vog, korrosiebestandheid, skoonheid en duursaamheid is wyd gebruik word in hardeware masjinerie, motoronderdele, ligte industriële tekstiele, elektroniese toestelle en ander nywerhede.

Metal omset boks funksies:
1. Omgewingsbeskerming, vog, korrosiebestandheid, mooi en duursame
2. Sterk dravermoe, nie maklik om te vervorm; kan gedek word, goeie stof digtheid
3. Suur en alkali weerstand, olie weerstand, metaal struktuur slytasie weerstand, lang lewe van die omset boks
4. Drie-dimensionele stapel stoor, spaar ruimte; met vurkhysers, hyskrane, storage management saves time and effort
5. Uniform specifications, easy to manage and inventory inventory. The metal turnover box can be separately stratified and stored in small quantities, and the surface is cumbersome to pick up the goods, which improves the efficiency of storage and retrieval.
Scope of application: metal-sealed box is resistant to acid, alkali and oil, safe and harmless, and has good sealing performance. It is suitable for storage, transportation and circulation of goods in factory production workshops and warehouse storage. It is widely used in hardware machinery. Automobile manufacturing, elektroniese toestelle, food processing and other industries.

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Na-tyd: 2019-08-19